
How to manage people and be a effective leader | Build Leadership Skills|Strategic Leader

2019-12-26 5 Dailymotion

Throughout history, the greatest and most effective leaders are those who can achieve the balance of interacting with their team while maintaining authority.

You can simply say, an effective leader must never forget that he or she is still a team player.

To be an effective leader you ought to be a good team player.

The success of a team depends on the leader and team players. For this, collaboration and communication amongst the team members and the leader are very important.

The success of a team also depends on how the leader addresses common problems like conflicting styles of decision making, lack of trust etc.

Let’s see how to become a good team player.

To become a good team player and leader you need to:

Communicate constructively
Speak clearly, directly and respectfully.
Be inclusive
Be prepared in meetings, listen and speak up.
Engage in the work of the team.
Be empathetic and open-minded
Share information, knowledge and experience.
Take the initiative to keep other team members informed.
Be flexible

I hope this will helps you to become a team player and an effective leader. Please like, subscribe and share our video.

Learn how to manage people and be a better leader | How to Be An Effective Leader

professional development soft skills teamwork

How To Manage People And Be A Better Leader

How to manage people and be a Great leader | Create Leadership Skills

Great Leadership, Effective Leadership, Leadership Skills, Highly effective leaders, Qualities of an Effective Leader, what great leaders do, How to Be Effective Leader|Top Qualities of an Effective Leader|Essential Qualities of Great Leaders.